




Art Direction | Design | Animation

In 2021, I had an amazing opportunity to share AR face effects pitch for Tiktok. Design an AR effect that detects human emotions and generates visually compelling interactions on mobile devices. The effect recognizes a user’s mood and helps them telegraph a mental state. I chose three literal elements to explore this concept:

Water = Joy/Sentimental (Blue)

Fire = Passion/Anger (Red)

Earth = Grounding/Vitality (Green)

The technology itself could rely on the temperature, skin conductivity, or even time spent on calls to predict mood changes. Using personal data or facial recognition in this way raises privacy questions, therefore companies need to ensure the security of customer data and be transparent about its usage.




Visual Exploration and Interaction ideas


Motion Test Process

Design and animate water sequence in C4D.

Import textures and visual elements. Test user interaction in an AR application.


Motion Test